Caravan Ombrazee Era: 2025 Onward…

Ombrazee launched in October 2024

The Caravan has transformed and moved on from the 30m Amara Zee to the 17m Ombrazee, a Romany designed Goelette, a two-masted wooden traditional sailing vessel. This new Caravan touring venue ideally encompasses wind-powered propulsion, with the mystic and historical wonder of the past centuries of travelling thespians touring with sail ships throughout the seas of the “Olde-World” and the contemporary technology of multi-media performance events. The Ombrazee will tour the latest version of the Caravan’s show style evolution, which is a ship-borne cinematic spectacle combining animated drawings with live action, plus aerial artists and musicians playing on the ship, with surreal characters rowing ashore to greet the audience and roam and play amongst them. This Third Era of the Caravan embodies the elements of surprize and mystery as it sails into a harbour, drops anchor, presents the 40minute show…and sails away…leaving people pondering, wondering, “Who are those masked revelers…Where are they from…”

It isn’t easy to be a theatre company in this day and age. Not only is it a constant struggle to compete for the attention devoted to filmed media and fight to assert the relevancy of the form to outside eyes, but the pandemic hit the performing arts incredibly hard. These are just a few of the aspects that make the longevity of Caravan Stage Company—the uniquely seaworthy theatre company—such an amazing feat and so momentous.

—  Brendon Lorimer, Art-Critique, Paris, France. 09/2022 —  


VIRTUAL SAGA Performing on “Ombrazee” 2025 & 2026…

“Artificial intelligence is the future, not only for Russia, but for all humankind. It comes with colossal opportunities, but also threats that are difficult to predict. Whoever becomes the leader in this sphere will become the ruler of the world.”

– Vladimir Putin

VIRTUAL SAGA features the fable of a Steam Punk Airship Captain and her heroic Crew of young refugee orphans… who are instigating an Insurgency against the Global Regime of the Digital-Argarchic DATA-TRUE. Captain Raine and her brave Helmsmate, Vivamara, have rescued the two Orphans, Cohover and Coda from the clutches of the DATA-TRUE Jacker-Nappers, the Cyber-Troopers, tasked to capture and bio-delete the last generation of humans on the Planet, circa 2045. Flying over this cosmic virtual universe is Glory, A Lone Albatross, contrailing prophecies of futures beyond the reckoning of Time’s reach… energizing & inspiring the humans on the Airship to forge the Battle Ultima between DATA-TRUE & THE ORGANICS!

VIRTUAL SAGA is a Trans-Theatrical Performance presented as an animation film with intergalactic live aerial character, Zaska, The Hybrid Drone, together with a masked ghost musician, JanGo, both performing live on the decks and rigging of the 17m sailing schooner, Ombrazee. Take a seat on the harbor soil, and let this Saga sail you into realms unknow, futures unpredictable, and destinies unseen, & survival entwined with humans, flying creatures, and other Earth’s species.

“AI is fundamentally different from anything we’ve seen in history, from any other
invention, whether it’s nuclear weapons or the printing press. Super-intelligent machines
could ultimately end up usurping the human race as the world’s dominant power,
Potentially the end of the period dominated by human beings.”
– Yuval Harari, Philosopher, Author of Sapiens, Nexus, 2024

“To Be, is to doubt, is to question… or…

Software, hardware malwares is certainty,

Sailing our Selves onto Tech-Botic shore…

Is it … extinction or eternity?

Zaska I am, Zaska infernal drone,

Aerial flying to fry your despair…

Does my salacious tune drum your back bone?

Does my seditious dance breed Egalitair?”


MERDE!  Performing on “Ombrazee” 2027, 2028, 2029

MERDE! is a psy-op event with paintings to puppetry to animation to cinema to live action. It is a Comedic Conflict Performance “fought” on a deserted rocky atoll in the dismal Saragossa Sea, a decade or so after the Great Global Drowning, circa 2057.

“The outlook for the Earth is shitty. But how shitty is it going to be?? You can be responsible for making it just a little bit shitty, rather than really, really big-time shitty.”

– Laura Tobin, Meteorologist, MET & ITV, UK

MERDE! is a parody of the futility & devastation of War… War is a tactic that has been used by regimes since the earliest centuries of the human species dominant occupation of the Earth… which, in current times, seems to be rampant, world-wide, and apparently beyond anyone’s control, except perhaps the makers of bombs, guns, tanks, planes, & soldier protective “costumes gear”, and on & on! MERDE! is a portrayal of the absurdity of flinging mussels & bombs as each side seeks the illusion of Victory… unwilling to admit, let alone “see” the killing, see the destruction, see the pollution, see the tears, see the grief, see the abandoned, see the horror of living, for all species of survivors, after the conflict has left the environment not only ravaged, but severely poisoned and uninhabitable…like Gaza, like Ukraine, like Sudan… like…

The MERDE! Audience, the Tragians, is greeted by a Behemoth of BurdenComing from the “Ombrazee”… rowing ashore in an inflatable dingy…

“Greeting Tragians, I am the Behemoth of Burden. I am here in this Time of the Great Drowning to Bear the Burden for You, the Survivors. I will help You to Purge the Earth of Grief and Strife. Please take one of My Masks and wear it for the duration of this Purge-A-Story… It will Protect You from any Vile & Foul Powers.”

Behemoth of Burden distributes its masks to all the audience…the Tragians

MERDE! features a Global Battle for the future of the Human Species fought between a Ship of Hybrid Thespians and a Ship of Privileged Elites. Both are engaged in a World War over the control & Bounty of a Ship of Migrant Castaways. The Victor will determine, via propagated seed, the future Planet Earth inhabitants…

“The Doomsday Clock is now set at 89 seconds to midnight as nuclear risk, climate change, the potential misuse of Technology & Artificial Intelligence – while not new in 2024 – are leading to very negative and worrisome effects.”

Daniel Holz, Chair of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientist, 2025


Passengers of the Elite Ship

“Castaways beware those bearing Trans-ality

These Thespians will cast you in Fatality

They will bring you suffering and Mortality

We Elites will grant you Faithful Vitality”


Crew of the Thespian Ship

“We Thespians of Past Fame and Present Follies,

We Welcome you Tragians, We your Partisans

Harken their Plot, beware these Elite’s Tsunamis.

Embrace our Song, Reap your Courage, Join we Artisans”


Migrants on the Castaway Raft

“We’ve not fled our Lands for your Luxury or Wealth

We’re fleeing our lands from Terror & Tyranny

We come to your Lands escaping Prison or Death

We’re seeking a Land and Life of Equality”

“The storm is here. The prophecy is here. When the storm calms, when floods, fire, drought, pollution, and war, leave the country in peace, the world will no longer be the world, but, possibly, something better.”

– Subcomandante Marcos, Insurgente, Chiapas

Do come find a piece of comfortable soil in your nearest harbor…

Sit down & partake in a surprising experience on “Ombrazee” of …


Current In-Kind Sponsors of Ombrazee & Caravan Lanterna Magica